Sunday, May 16, 2010


I don't think they come any CUTER!

I couldn't resist a photo shoot of Violet in her purple onesie.
The trick was trying to keep her hands out of her mouth.

Those fingers must be mighty tasty!

Her momma was making her pose in silly things like boxes,
but she was a good sport.

But the book shelf may have been pushin' it!

Birthday Girl!

Rylie had a birthday on Thursday!
What a BIG girl!
I told her she looked bigger to me and she just giggled.
I think she thought so too.

Rylie is so SWEET.
She loves to GIGGLE and be SILLY.
She loves SCHOOL and she loves to READ.
She loves GYMNASTICS and spends most of her time UPSIDE DOWN
(doing cartwheels & hand stands & walkovers & back handsprings & you-name-its...)

She also loves this rowdy bunch,
and they love her too!

We love our JELLY BEAN!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today is Mother's Day and my baby is 3 months old...too soon!

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow,
For babies grow up, I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Love Story

Body Art

I love permanent markers. I have one of every color.
It turns out, Sara loves them too!

She discovered my markers yesterday morning before church,
while I was attempting to sleep in.
(not a good idea)

She colored her hands & face, which we scrubbed,
but the marker didn't come all the way off.

We had another surprise after she got her dress on.
She had colored on her legs too:

She thought it was pretty.

Although she went to church with faded marker all over,
and bright red skin from being scrubbed,
she still looked pretty.