Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soon to be a big sis!

I am always surprised by the comments of our little Sara. She's very verbal and able to express her ideas about the new baby and what life might be like in my tummy in a very humorous way. She can't wait for the baby to come because she envisions the baby chasing her and that would be so much fun! I try to explain to her that the baby won't be able to crawl or walk when she first comes, and we'll just hold her. Sara then asks me if she can hold her too because she is very strong. And I tell her of course she can (sitting on the couch with me right there, of course). Sara told me yesterday that when she was in my tummy that she was afraid of the dark and wished she had a flashlight in there (by the way, the girl is obsessed with flashlights and absolutely loves them...until the batteries run out). And the funniest thing was when she put her ear to my tummy and told me she could hear the baby picking her nose (because that's what babies do, not big girls). Every day she kisses my tummy, tells me she loves my baby, and she can't wait until she comes out (me too)! I think that's the sweetest thing. She is going to be a fantastic big sis! Hopefully, life with a new baby won't be too big of a shock to her.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sara is a SUNBEAM now!

And she has been running around proclaiming that she is "Sunbeam Girl" since her first day on Sunday! It sounds like a super hero name, and I'm glad she realizes just how special being a sunbeam is.

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
to shine for Him each day.
In every way try to please Him,
at home, at school, at play.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam!
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!
A sunbeam, a sunbeam!
I'll be a sunbeam for Him!

FYI: Primary is the sunday school class children ages 3-11 attend. Each age group is divided into classes and the 3 year old class are the sunbeams.

Christmas 2009

So I am a little behind on my blog...

Our Christmas was so much fun! It was nice to have the kids home from school for 2 weeks. 2 weeks to hang out and do whatever we wanted without crazy schedules and places to be...nice!

We made plates of goodies!

Decided what our gifts to Jesus would be!

And wore out our kids who swore they were going to stay up to see Santa!

They did wheel barrow races, hand stand competitions, arch-up competitions, and any other exhausting exercise we could think of.... The kids never caught on to our motives :-)

After reading in Luke 2 (Jesus' birth in Bethlehem) and in Helaman (Book of Mormon prophet, Samuel the Lamanite prophesying about Christ's birth in the Americas) the kids opened up their Christmas Eve JAMMIES, wrote a note to Santa (leaving him mousse balls, peppermint bark, & egg nog) and hit the sack...

They couldn't wait til morning!!!

Modeling their new PJs

Our Christmas morning was spent opening gifts, trying out new stuff, eating crepes, and then going to Aaron's sister's home for Christmas dinner! It was a wonderful day!