Monday, May 12, 2008

It's Mother's Day and I'm officially a GROWN-UP!

Here is a picture of my mom and me! I love this because my mom is about the same age as I am now. I have an AMAZING mom and I hope to be as good as a mother as she is! Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Now I have some incredible news...I am now officially a grown-up! Yes, that's right...Aaron bought me a cell phone! Welcome to the 21st century, right? I know there are teenagers and kids that have had cell phones much longer than I have and can probably figure mine out much faster than I can. But the good news is that I finally have one and I'm always looking for a reason to use it! (Aaron's getting a little annoyed w/ my random phone calls and text messages...sorry Hubbs.) it's amazing to know that I can call Aaron when I'm at the grocery store and ask him to check in the fridge to see if we have eggs! And if I already know that we have eggs I can still call him and pretend I don't know that we have eggs :-) I guess more importantly the kids can get a hold of me in case of an emergency or I can get a hold of someone in case of an emergency. So I guess I've entered adulthood although I feel more like a teenager since Aaron has warned me about how much I'm allowed to call and text people. I promise to be responsible!

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