Friday, October 1, 2010

Yep! I'm THAT old.

I have been telling the kids that I'm sixteen, because it's ridiculous and a little funny to see what they would believe...and of course it was so much FUN to be 16. Of course Sam and Kaeli would just give me the "whatever" look. Sara thought I was closer to 7. Rylie told me I certainly couldn't be 16 because that would make me a teenager and teenagers don't have kids and certainly not FIVE kids. So I fessed up.

The morning of my birthday I was doing Rylie's hair in the bathroom when she said,

"Mom it's your BIRTHDAY! Are you just SOOOOOO EXCITED?"

It was cute. At the moment I wanted so badly to be "sooooo excited" for my birthday just as I was when I was a kid. So my goal for now on is to be excited for my upcoming birthdays. When did getting old turn into such a bad thing? I think we should own those years and be proud of them!!! We've earned 'em!

My birthday was a little unconventional this year. The New York trip was where it started (can't beat that!). On my actual birthday Aaron wasn't back from NY yet and we were on evacuation alert all day because some hot spots were flaring up in the wind. So we celebrated my birthday with the kids when Aaron got home. I think my birthday expanded a whole week ;-) hee hee.

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