Friday, October 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Violet is a busy, busy girl! 
 She is busy making messes, that is!
She is busy getting into the magazine basket.
(Supposedly, it's a great place to unwind and catch up on some reading :-)
She also stays busy with the laundry!  She loves to help me push the laundry basket through the house and down the hallway.  She loves to help me sort the dirty clothes and load the washer and dryer.  But she mostly loves to UNFOLD the clothes I've already folded!  Despite the extra work, I couldn't ask for a cuter helper :-)

Here she is trying on one of her sister's undies!
(This particular sis has asked to remain anonymous :-)
Violet keeps busy doing many other things too!

... emptying kitchen drawers, painting my bathroom and herself with liquid eye liner (by the way, it does NOT come out!), emptying dresser drawers, trying on everyone's shoes, rearranging shoes, brushing her teeth with whoever's toothbrush she can reach, throwing food on the floor, and then later eating off the floor, throwing whatever she can find down the stairs, throwing whatever she can find into the kitchen garbage, emptying all the tissue from the tissue box, going through the pantry, depositing napkins in every room, emptying the recycling box, finding treasures in siblings' rooms (they're learning to shut their doors before they leave for school), unrolling TP, coloring on walls, rearranging the table decorations... etc, etc, etc!!!

OH!  And always, ALWAYS running away!

Welcome to toddler-hood!


Karla said...

Glad to see I am not the only mom with an "active" toddler :)

Keep'n up with the Jones' said...

Sounds like you to spank more often. J/k :)