Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Sadly, it has come time to say good bye to this ole blog.  I have been putting this off for so long now.  It may sound silly, but ever since we had Violet the blog title just didn't fit any more.  We are no longer 6, and there's more to us now than just SMARKS.  How do you add a V to that any way?  

So much time goes into keeping up a blog.  It's our family journal in a way.  So it really is hard for me to leave it behind.  I have been keeping a secondary blog that I planned to archive all my arsty stuff, but if you think keeping one blog is hard, it obviously is harder keeping up with two.  So I'm simply going to just keep the second one up to date and it won't just be'll just be anything I have time for.

so here's the link:

And one day when I come across a boat load of money...I'm going to have 6SMARKS printed :)

So long blog!  I'm gonna miss you :(