Friday, October 31, 2008

Our little GHOUL is TWO-oul!

Sara had a birthday yesterday! I can't believe it! Sara is such a sweet little girl who freely gives out hugs and kisses and "luv loo"s. Her siblings spoil her and give into her pouty lip as if it's the saddest thing they've ever seen. Sara also loves to be chased and squeals with delight (mixed with a little fright) as she races through the house looking as though she just might loose control and tumble...all in an attempt to escape a tickle or a nibble or a tummy zurbit. She also has the most contagious laugh...I love to hear her laugh! We love our Sari so much and we're so grateful she's part of our family.

Beginning the TERRIFIC TWOS!

So pretty.

Sometimes we call her "Tink" because she reminds us of our favorite little Pixie Tinkerbelle.

Sara also has a fiesty/sassy side!

For her birthday dinner Sara had 2 slices of a Veggie De-lite pizza from Papa Murphys with Root Beer. Her fave! Topped off with dark chocolate cake :-) (I think she may have inherited her mommy's appetite)

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