Monday, October 13, 2008

This weekend was our Ward Halloween Party.  Aaron and I weren't planning on dressing up, but were begged to by the ward activities chairperson just a few hours before it started...she didn't want to be the only adult dressed up.  So I dug out Aaron's hockey stuff for him (what else?) and I stood in my closet thinking, "what on earth can I dress up as with such short notice?"  Well, it just happens that I have everything a scarecrow could ever dream of!  So I taped some rafia under my hat, in my sleeves, at the bottom of my shirt and pants and VOILA...I was a scarecrow.  It has been years since I've dressed up so we had to get a picture since it'll probably be years before I do it again :-)
What's wrong with this picture?  Well, actually nothing is wrong with it because I live in Utah.  If I lived anywhere else it might seem strange to have snow in mid-October..., but I live in Utah.  


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