Friday, February 12, 2010

Violet Mae is here!

The long wait is over! Our sweet "Little" has arrived!

Tuesday around 11:30 am, I noticed my contractions felt different from the regular false labor I had been experiencing. These felt real and I hoped they were, and a week early? Yeah for me! Tuesdays are my crazy busy days, so I kept running the kids here and there and doing what I usually do. I picked the kids up from school and had about 10 minutes before taking Kaeli to gymnastics. I wondered if I should since my contractions were already 6 minutes apart. I decided I could always take Kaeli out of gymnastics early if I had to. So I loaded the kids up and left. On our way I reached for my phone to call Aaron and to let him know that the labor was "real" and he should be ready to leave work early, but I FORGOT MY PHONE! I felt panicked! Out of all the days to forget my phone it had to be today!!! I dropped Kaeli off and the rest of the kids and I headed to Walmart to grab a few last minutes things (like pizza for dinner and a birthday present for a party Sara had been invited to on Saturday). In Walmart my contractions were about 5 minutes apart and I hoped my water wouldn't break in the middle of the store! I tried to discretely pause for my contractions because they were getting uncomfortable. I hated not having my phone with me! I guess I wasn't as discreet as I thought I was because as soon as Kaeli got back into the car Sam leaned over to her and said, "I think Mom is in labor! She had to keep stopping in the store!" Who knew a nine year old boy would have any idea what labor looked like any way! So the minute we got back home I called Aaron (my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart). I told him I was in labor and to come home right now. He said, "really? OK!" A few minutes later he called back when he was already on his way to make sure I wasn't joking and just trying to get him home from work at a decent time. I assured him I was serious. I think he made it home in record time! I quickly finished packing my bag (between contractions) and Aaron called our "on call babysitter". She showed up excited to take charge and Aaron and I headed to the hospital. By the time we got there my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and it was about 6:45 pm. Here is a picture of me in triage, still smiling :-)

For the past 8 months or so I was committed to delivering "al natural", so once I was admitted I began my relaxing techniques to get through the contractions. I was able to relax and remain in control for most of the labor. My water broke around 11 pm and from there on out my contractions were on top of each other, no breaks in between. Without drugs the pain was incredible, but it was really cool to see what my body was capable of and to experience the instincts my body naturally had during the labor. I thought it was miraculous! Once it was time to push it wasn't even something I could control. There was no distinction between contractions anymore. It all blended into one giant reflex and it was completely involuntary. So I gave it my all and bore down through the pain. After two pushes my baby was born! Once again I had another posterior baby!

Violet Mae
7 lbs. 9 oz.
20" long
born at 11:52 pm on February 9th, 2010

Here is our baby, not even a day old yet:

It was love at first sight! Violet is as sweet as can be! She has thick dark hair which is about an 1-1.5 inches long. She nursed right away and is still a good eater. She's also very cuddly and just seems to melt into you when you hold her.

We were able to bring her home on Thursday which just happened to be Aaron's birthday. I had everything boughten ahead of time, but had no birthday cake! Aaron insisted he didn't want a cake but wanted to make himself homemade oreos instead. I couldn't argue with that, and although it was unconventional, they were delicious.

Here is Daddy and Violet on his birthday:

The kids love their baby sister and have adjusted to her presence very smoothly. There is always someone around eager to hold her. I have the best helpers ever!!!

Violet has her days and nights a little backwards, and her bilirubin count is a little high, but other than that everything is going really well. I love kissing those cheeks! We're all so excited to have her as part of our little family!


ONCE upon a time.... said...

what a beautiful story! i LOVE that you did it naturally--isn't it the most amazing feeling??? our bodies are truly created to perfection by God!! Congratulations, and are you going to change your blog title to "7 SMARKSV?" LOL!! best wishes!

Dawn said...

I love your story!! Way to go you are soooooooooo much tuffer than me (: Little miss Vi is a DOLL!

Emilee said...

So glad that you told that whole story too! Wow Maegs, here you are at wal-mart and then hours later having a baby all natural like it aint no thang. That kills me and I must admit I am jealous since none of my babies were not induced, but really I am so proud of you!!! She is the cutest bug ever and I am certainly jealous of that too. What an ADORABLE birthday gift for her daddy!!! Oh how I wish we could see her!

Jenna & Colton said...

Yay Maegan! I was so excited to hear what you were planning, and now so excited to read your birth story! I think that it's so important for women to share these important stories. Blessings to you and your family- I hope that we get to meet this summer in WA!