Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I don't think anyone can call my girls "girly".  They've got some toughness and a little bit of tom-boy in each of them.  But their girliness comes out every once in awhile!

Violet has such a sassy saunter when she walks.  Her bum sways side to's so stinkin' cute!  And I love to watch her run around on Sundays in her dress.

Doesn't she look girly?


Aaron and I have been taking the kids out on "Daddy & Me" or "Mommy & Me" dates.  They're so much fun!  Rylie was ecstatic when her daddy called her up on the phone while he was at work and asked her out on a date.  She was so excited and said, Oh I need to go get pretty!  She wore a skirt and I straightened her hair.  She definitely looked pretty.  And she was tickled to death that daddy was a gentleman and opened doors for her.  And she made sure to let Aaron know that he looked handsome.  It was really cute. 

I couldn't help but wonder what it'll be like when she first starts dating for real.  I bet she'll be all giggles then too :-)  And I'm sure that daddy will be threatening teenage boys and pacing the floor until she gets home.

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Sweet! You guys are such awesome parents and have the prettiest girls!