Tuesday, August 30, 2011


While we were in Washington, Rylie got stung by a wasp at a park :-(

THEN she sprained her ankle when she landed wrong in the pool!  These pictures were taken a few days later.  You can see it's still swollen.  I wish I had taken a picture right after it happened.  It looked like a golf ball poking out of the side of her ankle!

I took her in for some x-rays when we got back into town.  Thankfully, it wasn't broken.

She also ended up with swimmer's ear a few days after we got home.  And if you don't know already, it's super painful!  Her doctor said her ear canal was so swollen he couldn't even see her eardrum.

Apparently, Rylie didn't get the "Milk It For All It's Worth" memo, and kept right on playing as usual.  She was caught jumping on the neighbor's trampoline just a few days after she sprained her ankle, ignoring my "no playing, but you can sit and watch" rule.  Luckily, it is healing nicely and she was able to walk on it like nothing happened a few weeks later, although I still make her wear a brace when she's running around.

I guess she inherited my weak ankles.  Bummer.

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