Monday, August 31, 2009

First day of SCHOOL!!!!

Last night we had a "Back To School Feast"! (An idea I got from Nie Nie.) I made each of the kids a princess or prince crown, and we talked about what it means to be a child of God. We discussed how that princess/prince should behave, the kind of friend they should be, and how they should allow others to treat them. I hope they can remember how special they truly are! We feasted on salmon, garlic bacon mashed potatoes, peas, and sparkling cider by candle light! Topped off with bowls of ice cream.

Sam and Kaeli started school this morning! (Rylie starts on Thursday.) They were so excited and didn't seem at all nervous this morning or on our drive there. I drove them to school and walked them to their classrooms. We dropped Sam off first and as he walked into his classroom I suddenly found myself fighting back the tears! I truly did not expect that! We then found Kaeli's class and I had the exact reaction. In fact, I stood by the window and watched her nervously walk into her class and find her seat. She suddenly looked so scared as she watched the kids around her. I wanted to run back in and give her a hug, but I was sure if I did I was sure to start crying...not to mention embarrass Kaeli and make her nervousness worse. I watched just a moment more before Rylie, Sara, and I returned to our van. It's hard to walk away and let your kids be independent and work through their own anxieties. I am confident that Kaeli and Sam's nerves lessened as the day went on. I can't wait to hear how it all went!!!

Kaeli Ray is in the 3rd grade this year!
Doesn't she look so pretty?

Sam is in the 4th grade this year!
Do you love the red shoe laces? So cool!

The best of friends!

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