Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Photo Shoot

We took our annual trip up Butterfield Canyon to pose in all the autumn splendor! We were so excited to go up with Dawn's family
(Aaron's sis) this year, and we took turns taking each other's family portraits. Our goal was to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time, with their eyes OPEN, and to avoid any unfaltering angles of the pregnant woman...not an easy task! Here are a few of our favorites, now it's your job to help decide which one to use in our Christmas letter:


This one was taken in the exact spot from last year's favorite.



And a few more of our crazy cute kids:

I love Sara's l


Mommas Soapbox said...

I happened upon your blog but just had to tell you that your family is just adorable!

Dawn said...

hey...u have a fan club! sign me up for it too! I think u guys are so photogenic and I love #1and #4. I wanna see the belly shot...i thught it was so cute!

Wendy said...

I think they all look really great! You have such a cute family.

Emilee said...

BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! Good thing you are having another one because you are all adorable! We sure do love you all! Very great shots!