Monday, December 7, 2009

Turkey Day!

We had a total of 24 people at our home for Thanksgiving dinner! Of course I was a little stressed that something might be forgotten or the turkey would get scorched...or not cook at all! But of course my mom was there, so I had nothing to fear!

Here are the MEN doing what MEN do on Thanksgiving...carve turkeys:

And of course the "grown-up table". My living room turned into an extension to the dining room:

The kid table, over the TILE, not over the carpet :-)

Oh and our BOUNTY of PIES!!! I was worried about having enough so I made assignments to my sister and sister-in-law and they dutifully brought even more than I asked of them! Each and every one was delicious! Even my 10 year old niece, Lindsey, brought some chocolate pies that she made herself!

The KIDS! There were 14 in all. Will is the one missing. And yes, this was the best picture I could get :-)

We bravely road the UTA Trax up to Temple Square
in SLC to see the lights (because finding a place to park would be impossible). It was soooo CROWDED that we spent most of our time trying to stay together and work our way through the mob.

The Salt Lake Temple is always so pretty. It's a special place for our family because that's where my parents were married and sealed for eternity:
All in all, Thanksgiving was a success! It was great to have all my siblings and their families and my parents under one roof.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

WOW! That is alot of pies and a LARGE group to take to the temple! Trax is fun though. We miss you guys!!! Let us know if you want to get together! WE miss ya!